Hedgehogs Classroom Displays

Have you pressed our new sound buttons to see what we said about Roydon Fen?

Our Arctic den - where polar bear escapes, fishing, ice climbing and much more happened!

The artist Mondrain was our inspiration when creating colourful pieces of art.

We thought about our homes.
We used paper mache to create a model of our own home.
We used different pieces from junk modelling to create our own bedroom.

We have been bringing in our favourite book from home to share with our friends.
What book would you like to take flight with?
If you visit our 'Favourite Books' blog you will be able to see our reviews.

What different ways can you think of to make 10?

Our Jungle Lodge has seen many adventures. Children have escaped anacondas, hidden from puma, sketched jaguars, watched scarlet macaws fly through the canopy and more!

We had lots of fun learning about the Chinese New Year

We will be learning about the 4 seasons all year. As each season greats us we will be looking at the changes to our local environment, the weather, animals and plants.
What is your favourite season and why?

Play underpins all of our learning (which is why we are getting so very clever!)


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