What Are We Like?!

We talked about different personality characteristics and what makes us - us!

Lola 'I was brave when I went on my  bike with out stabilizers'.

Emiah 'I was kind when I gave some of my sweeties to Enzo'.

Max 'I was brave saying my lines in the school play'.

Enzo 'I tricked Muma I said look over there and snuck behind her and then she said where's Enzo gone. I was clever'.

Zak 'I was scared to go on my bike with peddles but I did it!'

Abrianna 'I was smart when I did writing about Christmas'.

Zac 'When I was outside playing with my brothers we went on our bikes and I had no stabilizers and I leaned to the floor so close with out touching it. I was smart!'

Taylor 'I was funny when I tricked Mummy with a Gruffalow'.

Scarlett 'When I was on my roller skates I did with out slipping I was careful'.

Luna 'I am kind by giving one of my oranges away to my cousin'.

Oli 'I was brave learning how to skateboard'.

Oscar 'When I rided my bike with no stabilizers I pushed my feet on the floor and I scratched my arm but I keep going. I was brave'.

Kaiden 'I didn't fall off my bike without stabilisers. I was brave! I kept pushing my peddles and I didn't fall over!'

Bastian 'I am kind with Bobby and play with him'.

Achchira 'I was generous when I gave presents to people who didn't have any'.

Amelya 'I was kind and gave my sister sweeties'.

Tyler 'I was excited at Christmas. On my scooter I was brave and I could do it!!'

Lexi 'I was loving and cuddled my Mummy'.

Louise 'I was caring and feed my rabbit with Mummy and Daddy'.

Bobby 'I was nice to Danny'.

Jenson 'I was kind and cuddled Mummy'.

Oliver 'I was caring looking after 4 cats, 2 rabbits and a tortoise and 4 people!'

Jack 'I was brave on my bike'.

Rheuben 'I care for my Mummy I love her'.

Thomas 'I love Mummy and had fun'.

Leo 'I love my Mum and Dad and all my family!'

When have you been brave, kind, caring, loving, generous, thoughtful?


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