Help! Lost Guinea Pigs!!!

There has been a disaster! Mrs Clarkes guinea pigs have escaped!!
What can we do?

Leo 'Let's phone the police'.

Oliver 'We could put some food out'.

Taylor 'Lock the cage door when they come back'.

Zac 'Leave the cage open encase they come back'.

Oscar 'Leave some toys out'.

Emiah 'Let's call their names'.

Enzo 'Shout for your neighbours to help'.

Caleb 'What if a wolf has eaten one, lets find them quick!'

Luna 'Let's make a poster!'

We put up our posters around Banham and waited patiently!
And then we had a phone call - it was good news!! Gingerbread and Snow Leopard had been found before the tigers at the zoo got to them!!!! 


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